Our Products

CDO RoadTag

Leading Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) tags save money, time and resources with CDO RoadTag. Durable and easy to use, CDO RoadTag empowers you to gather essential data with 100% accuracy. Correct defects in your roadways to reduce bodily harm and vehicle damage with information gathered with CDO RoadTag.

Even better, CDO RoadTag is coupled with our 24/7 help desk service through CDO Care. Save money, time, and resources by quickly identifying which utility company or contractor is responsible for the restoration, what utility permit or job reference number was used, and when the work was completed and when the warranty period begins.

Years of application ensure 100% data accuracy across weather, construction, and material variances and we have tested over a dozen different RFID tags to find the best solution. Our Handheld RFID readers are durable, rated for outdoor construction, yet easy to use.  

RFID Tags are programmed with relevant data using the CDO RoadTag application and provided to the contractor when the utility permit is issued. The contractor then places the RFID tags under the final lift of pavement for engineers or auditors to later use the handheld unit to retrieve roadway data from the RFID tag. 

If you have questions or would like to further discuss your unique challenges, please schedule an appointment.

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Road Tag PDF
AIM Award
CDO Optimizer
Vehicle Mounted RFID
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“Using RFID technology, we can quickly identify and greatly enhance our response times to any excavation failures or emergencies. We are now able to easily determine warranty periods for all road cuts.”

Robin McGaughey | Engineering Technician Colorado Springs, Colorado

Breakthrough technologies to satisfy your needs in any industry.


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